Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Touch Up: Clone Stamp


This was such a fun edit!  I was able to remove the wires that held this Magic Kingdom Christmas tree up...just using the clone stamp.
Then played with the lighting and colors.

Makes for a much better shot!

Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

Monday, February 14, 2011

Scavenger Hunting February

This past weekend we took the kids to a children's museum.  They had this super cool shadow room.  You posed in front of the green wall, bright light flashed, and it captured your shadow. I'm pretty sure my sister and I had more fun than the kiddos.  This is me!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Broken white crayon.

Cashton turned 5 months old on Sunday. This is from his mini-shoot from that "Month-Birthday"....he's so strong already!

The stomach flu also visited our house.  Samantha was a snuggle bug all day.  My heart hurts for her because she was so uncomfortable, but she's just so cute all snugged up in the warmth of the blankets!

for more interpretations, visit:

Friday, February 11, 2011

I Heart U:Edited

WOW!  I am very proud of myself today.  I'll admit it's not the best this photo can be, but I did venture for the very first time into Adode Camera RAW.  Thank you, Ashley, for giving me the courage. 
I can tell you very little of what I did, except that I did a custom white balance off of Samantha's teeth!  hehe....then I played around with all the knobs and gizzmos and this is the end result:

I'd say it's an improvement over the SOOC:,
Whatcha think?

Looking forward to learning more!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Heart U: SOOC

This week's Shoot & Edit prompt is HEARTS.
Here's My "Straight Out of the Camera" Shot

Sam is such a Cheese Ball!

Tune in later this week for my edits!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scavenging Wisconsin Winter

No matter what the topic is...it will lead straight to the Packers.  They are playing in a little game today.  You might have heard of it: THE SUPERBOWL!

Well said, Vince.  Well said.

The view from our window after the BIG Blizzard of 2011.

Daddy teaching Sam how to clean fish.  He brought home some yummy fish from his "Man's Weekend" Ice fishin'.

or any page, for that matter.
This face would sell stacks of mags!
(perhaps I'm a little bias)
Like his PACKER hat?

Head over to
for more interpretations!